Happy Monday to all and hello to everyone again as I’m back from my little vacation! I had a great time and thank you all for your well wishes. My husband and I took a road trip to the East coast of Italy and it was great to see new places and difference things. The weather has suddenly turned into full-on summer heat here in Tuscany and I’m totally re-energized by my trip and the sunshine combined. As I get back into the swing of things…let me first share some travel inspiration photos with you.

Ahh…vacation! I think that taking a break, whether traveling afar or just changing your immediate scene by taking a walk – helps to open up your perspective and shake up your normal routine. We all need that sometimes, so remember to let yourself go free when needed. You should not neglect yourself or your delicate muse! Any kind of break-time will definitely pump you up and refresh your mind for creative thinking. That’s how I feel now! I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing a bit of my travel inspiration!