I had to change the title of yesterday’s post, because it was not a business update and I suddenly felt that I was chickening out again. Having to report weekly about creative business 101 progress – well, it’s not always so easy.

I take another detour today as I continue to think about the perception of things and how they change over time. I started thinking about how everything around us changes who we are. Can we ever just be ourselves, truly? I had this moment of fear, when I thought that perhaps… I am trying to project as others that I admire, rather than me, myself, and I. What is my true self and identity really like? Who am I, really? Yeah, I know. Age-old questions…

Have you ever met people who seem to change themselves according to whoever their friends are at the time? Their likes and dislikes, interests, style… seem to morph with the group. It might be more apparent among young teenagers who are still growing up. But I thought, wait a minute, am I still doing that today? Something new and shiny attracts me and I think, I’ve found it! That’s what I like or should be more like. Or that’s what I really need to be shooting for. Is it really? Is it just another twisted view for today… that will inevitably change tomorrow?

Questions running in head as I wonder, who the real me is and what do I really want me to be? I’m reading an article on the Brave Girls Club website and this is what struck me.

you can’t have the life you want to have
if you haven’t taken the time to figure out what life that is…
you can’t have the life you want to have
if you don’t ask for it, work for it, and walk past everything else that distracts you from it