home remedy printable pages

Working to organize things at home I’ve realized there is a big need for families to have a home binder with important information documented and readily available.

Especially when it comes to kids and perhaps leaving them with Dad or the babysitters, it’s helpful for them to have a guide to turn to when certain issues come up. Not to get too stereotypical, but as a mama of two, it’s often Dad who has no clue as to where a certain item is located in our home and what to do when the little ones have a certain boo boo. Sure, they can call you up for the info, but it’s usually not an actual emergency, rather everyday information that the person just doesn’t have ingrained in their mind. You know what I mean, right?

A mother’s mind is full of amazing “recipes for life” you might call it – but it’s also a disaster when said mother is away or sick. Since it’s a lot more convenient to have as much documented as possible, I created this home remedy note page printable, so you can start building up your home remedy binder at home. Whatever the ailment, you will need to use some tools to solve the situation, plus notes on how to do it, adverse reactions or special instructions per family (because we are all different).

So this note page is actually really versatile and can be used for any home remedy – I use the term loosely in the sense of anything that can be done at home!

I originally created this note page specifically for my essential oil usage, so that we can document as a family what works and is more preferable for each member of the family and if there are any special notes to consider. It’s great for documenting and over time, refining the best recipe as well, as you take notes about the usage.

Download the home remedy note page printable below, so you can start documenting all the important information for your family bind.

home remedy note pages

Click here to download Home Remedy Paper LETTER PDF

Click here to download Home Remedy Paper A4 PDF

I use essential oils and supplements to help support my well-being, as well as balance my emotions, improve focus and kickstart my motivation. I’m always looking for natural solutions to better myself and create positive change.

If you are interested in learning more about essential oils check out my essential oil video series here or contact me directly for more information.