Can you believe that winter is fast approaching?  The temperatures are dropping day by day and I find myself more and more inclined to hibernate in bed!  Today happened to be especially rainy and stormy with massive winds battering everything outside.  Scary!  I am snuggling indoors, thankful that the internet allows me to connect with you folks despite the weather and distance.

This weather also makes me pretty lazy and groggy feeling and real work assignments are starting to pile up! However, I seem to have no issues working on creative distractions, such as the doll panel fabric design for the latest Spoonflower theme. I have seen many cute girl doll designs and matrioska doll panels, so really wanted to go in a different direction for my design.  I thought it would be nice to create something for a little boy and have been tending towards eyes closed, mouth open type of faces.

I designed a singing doll boy, winter themed and although it is compact enough to be cut to exact shape, I added the snowflake background so I can make a doll/pillow.  What do you think? Bit blurry in this graphics but you can also see it within the spoonflower designs.


I still have to learn a bit more regarding colors printed on fabric, because many times the swatches arrive looking quite different from the intended design colors.  Either way it is exciting to be able to create your own fabric designs and get them printed.  I will be testing this design out and making little pillows for a plushie show this December as well.  BTW, did you know Spoonflower now allows you to buy fabric direct from their website? Check out my Spoonflower profile here ->