This lovely Monday morning, I am looking through the work of illustrator and graphic designer, Lara Brehm.  I have to say wow, wow and wow again because I love her work in illustration and pattern making immensely!  Lara’s blog provides a lot of visual inspiration for any artist or crafter, just for sheer beauty of her color palettes and cute whimsical illustrations.  I love how her look is so clean, yet full of vibrance and color at the same time.  She is another artist I look up to and aspire to be…hehe…hope I’m not sounding too geeky and starry eyed at this point.


via Lara’s blog

I also really enjoy seeing her mockups for various products and the variety of which she creates with her designs, really showing how versatile illustration work can be.  From patterns to scrapbooking pages to printables and tactile products…all the things I would like to work on realizing myself as an artist.


via Lara’s blog

Not to mention her work is always joyful to me, something that really picks me up no matter how crummy a day might be.  How can you not smile at these uber cute illustrations?  I hope they can brighten you day as well.  It’s nice to know there is so much positivity and goodness in the world.


via Lara’s blog