self love idea list printable

Self-love is about taking the time to nurture your body, mind and soul. But even when we want to love ourselves and nurture our bodies, it’s not always easy to do so.

With our ever busy schedules and commitments, it can be just another element of stress to have to worry about self-love and self-care. What’s one to do?

Well, here are some go-to ideas for practicing self-love. Ideas for what you can do, from little 5 minutes things to more expansive ideas, so you can replenish, heal and nurture yourself.

I truly believe that self-love is necessary, not just a nice to do thing. You cannot perform at your full potential if you are not fully energized and loved!

What can you do to practice a bit of self-love? I often pull out my essential oils, because it’s part of many daily rituals, to help soothe, relax and ground my emotions. Oils can be a great companion for these ideas:

  • Give yourself a compliment
  • Take a selfie and love it!
  • Take 3 deep breaths and meditate in silence.
  • Listen to a favorite song without distractions
  • Have a good, belly-shaking type of laugh.
  • Flip through your favorite magazine or read a good book.
  • Make yourself a favorite drink and indulge.
  • Pamper yourself with a bath, foot massage, etc.
  • Hug someone!

Want a printable version of this self-love idea list? How about a blank version so you can fill in you own personal go-to self-love ideas?

self-love ideas

Download EO Self-Love Ideas PDF

Download EO Self-Love Ideas blank PDF

How are you doing in the self-love department? Are you taking good care of your mind, body and soul? I hope my printables can help you along your journey to better self-love.