Have you ever considered art licensing your work to be used on various products? I find it to be such a wonderful idea, because it’s one way to bring your art truly into the hands of people all over the world. It seems that on everyday products, your artwork would really be in front of people’s eyes. Maybe we don’t always realize that there’s an artist behind our tea towels and product packaging… but I think we do appreciate the design, color and aesthetic pleasure that comes with art on products.

Kate Harper has just posted a huge directory of art licensing companies that you can submit to, namely manufacturers and their submission pages and/or guidelines. It’s a really great resource and I’m actually one of the art angels listed at the bottom as well…

I’ve definitely been doing a lot of research and bookmarking possible submission opportunities. Although it might see like a difficult industry to get into, there are actually so many opportunities out there – too many! You actually have to figure out which ones are good fit for you, not just randomly submitting to as many places as possible. We all have to find our audience and our comfy little homes, so to speak. Check out the directory and good luck with new opportunities that could open up for you! 

Do you have any links or art submission related experiences/links to share? Please do so in the comments below, much appreciated!