I joined in on the challenge hosted by miavibes and megjournals on Instagram called #junkjournaljanuary and here is my junk journal flip through.

Junk Journal Flip Through | #junkjournaljanuary - video on tortagialla.com

If you don’t already know, junk journaling is a form of art journaling that involves “junk” or found papers. Basically, anything you have around the house, in order to reuse the junk you have and upcycle it into art. There are many variations and everyone sort of does their own thing. From vintage papers, to modern day junk mail or patterned papers that aren’t really “junk” to begin with.

It’s really all up to you – but the idea is to not be too precious about journaling. Rather, to simply create and do something creative. After finishing up my junk journal, I decided to share a flip through to show all the pages I’ve created, however simple they may be.

I really encourage you to get creative and try out junk journaling if you want something without pressure. It’s an easy way to get creative every day and you don’t have to create in chronological order or necessarily paint. I find it to be more collage based… but that’s just me. I mostly spent a few minutes each day, very doable for all. Here are the pages I created for the month in my junk journal flip through…

If you want to see how I made this junk journal, check out my video of the process here https://youtu.be/B9_ilVTRSUo 

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