
This month I decided to watch the video interviews on CreativeLive by Chase Jarvis and get some daily inspiration, motivation and wisdom. I’ve decided to blog about the series, logging my thoughts and takeaways…

Day 22 creative genius – Austin Kleon.

I’m familiar with Austin Kleon’s blackout poems and his two popular books I have read – Steal Like An Artist and Show Your Work – I’ve blogged about it previously. He’s super laid back and I love his general philosophy of being an artist. Refining all that we intake to create our own version, our own interpretation. He also encourages you to create lots, no matter if it’s bad, because that’s part of the process to arrive at what’s good.

Choose to find the inspiration.

I loved Kleon’s point about how his life is probably pretty mundane to many. He lives in the suburbs, he has kids and does all the normal family things. It’s a bit how I feel in taking care of little kids. We are super busy with just that part of life, it’s not like we are out trekking the mountains or hopping bars at night to get inspiration or “live it up.” Yet even in the everyday and seemingly mundane, there are gems of inspiration. It’s a frame of mind really. Perhaps that is the challenge, to find the inspiration and interesting bits that are worth mulling over and exploring – whatever our lives are like – wherever we are. Very cool.

There are many other amazing nuggets of wisdom. I suppose Kleon is very quotable… ahah!

Live below your means.

Monetary freedom is creative freedom.

Instead of do what you love, just love what you do.

Instead be yourself, be your best self.

Forget the noun, focus on the verb.

So many great tidbits. You definitely should listen to this interview.

You can watch this interview by signing up for FREE – 30 Days of Genius at CreativeLive. Enjoy!

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