Looking for free printable papers? Here are loads of pretty patterned paper designs for scrapbooking, journaling and many other DIY paper crafting projects.
My name is Linda and I’m a graphic designer sharing free digital downloads. You’ll beautiful paper designs as well as well art, stationery papers and more. There’s definitely something for the crafty paper lover in you!
Digital printables are affordable, accessible and versatile!
After moving from the United States to Italy, shipping costs and delays really pushed me into using and creating my own printables because it’s much more convenient when the postal system isn’t as efficient as the internet. Of course, I still buy traditional stationery products, but printables give me more options without cluttering my space.
Free printables are a gold mine of resources for home decor, journaling, papercrafting, stationery snail mailing and any kind of paper DIY project.
You will definitely save money, save space and only use what you need, whenever you need it – as many copies as you can print. Check out all the FREE PRINTABLES on this blog and also join my Facebook group i heart printables to share links to quality printables from other great designers.
Free printables for download...
My blog is an archive of all the free printables I have created, check out the thumbnails below to each post. However, you can also search the blog specifically for patterned papers, planner printables, stationery, printable cards, printable art, digital stamps, vintage, etc.
My designs on other websites...

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