The more I learn about the amazing benefits of essential oil, the more I realize that I need to write things down. So I created this essential oil details page that focuses on one oil and useful notes for my home binder regarding that particular oil.

It’s a great way to learn more about a particular oil and really make the best use of it. Not to mention make notes as you use the oil yourself.

Keeping a details page lets you dive a bit deeper into the benefits of the particular essential oil and helps you learn more, document your learnings and have it as a reference for the entire family.

Download EO Oil Details LETTER PDF

Download EO Oil Details A4 PDF

I regularly use essential oils and supplements to help support my well-being, as well as balance my emotions, improve focus and kickstart my motivation. From improving my immune system to alleviating sleeping and digestive issues, I always look for natural solutions for betterment and change. If you are ready for a change, learn more about how I use essential oils here.